Must have Characteristics of a Leader with David J Anderson

David J Anderson says that an organisational potential is always limited by its leadership maturity. He also explains the need to codify leadership maturity in order to provide suitable guidance on organisational potential and cultural change. In this interview, we discussed in detail about the must have characteristics of a leader to drive change with David J Anderson.

David has answered very critical questions like why organisations need to change. According to David, business model disruption is one of the major reasons causing change and needs business to step-up. Change may fail because of human failure. Nelson Mandela is a true inspiration as per David when we speak about change; as he understood that change is a human calculation.

Interviewee: David J Anderson (Originator of the Kanban Method)

David is the pioneer of the use of kanban systems for improved service delivery in creative and knowledge worker businesses. Originator of the Kanban Method and Enterprise Services Planning for improved service delivery, strategy, fitness for purpose, operational management and governance of modern businesses. David is a Management trainer and consultant. He is a popular conference speaker and presenter and Author of the books, “Lessons in Agile Management”, “Kanban – Successful Evolutionary Change for your Technology Business” and “Agile Management for Software Engineering.”

Interviewer: Noopur Pathak (Chief Media Editor, INNOVATION ROOTS)

Role of Kanban to Successfully Lead Change with Patrick Steyaert

The world is changing very rapidly that means organisations also need to change. Patrick Steyaert talks about need of business agility more than Agile development today, to step-up the game. There is no one size fits all solutions to lead change. He mentions that Kanban has been playing a big role in bringing the change and let people develop their own style of work in order to achieve business agility.

He also speaks in length about Delivery Kanban and Discovery Kanban and why they are similar yet different, why most Portfolio Kanban systems are shallow and insights on Upstream to Portfolio Kanban.

Interviewee: Patrick Steyeart (Founder, Okaloa)

Patrick Steyaert is founder of Okaloa. As a creator of Okaloa Flowlab, he teaches and coaches agile thinking (before methods) by making use of business simulations. With his work on upstream, customer and discovery kanban he helps organizations to look at the end-to-end flow (from suspected to satisfied need). He is the author of the Essential Upstream Kanban guide, a regular speaker at international conferences, and recipient of the 2015 Brickell Key award for outstanding contribution to the Kanban community.

Interviewer: Noopur Pathak (Chief Media Editor, INNOVATION ROOTS)