Crystal Methods | Glossary


Crystal method is an agile software development approach that focuses primarily on people and their interactions when working on a project rather than on processes and tools. Alistair believed that the people’s skills and talents as well as the way they communicate has the biggest impact on the outcome of the project.

Crystal Method is based on two fundamental assumptions:

  • Teams can streamline their processes as their work and become a more optimised team
  • Projects are unique and dynamic and require specific methods

Further Reading:

Book: Agile Software Development by Alistair Cockburn

Object-relational mapping | Glossary


Object-relational mapping (ORM) is a programming technique in which a metadata descriptor is used to connect object code to a relational database. Object code is written in object-oriented programming (OOP) languages such as Java or C#. ORM converts data between type systems that are unable to coexist within relational databases and OOP languages.

ORM resolves the object code and relational database mismatch with three approaches: bottom up, top-down and meet in the middle. Each approach has its share of benefits and drawbacks. When selecting the best software solution, developers must fully understand the environment and design requirements.

Further Reading:

Book: Agile Competitors and Virtual Organization by Steven L. Goldman, Roger N. Nagel and Kenneth Preiss