V2MOM | Glossary

V2MOM framework is a methodology used for setting up the vision of the company, aligning multiple teams work together to achieve the company vision.

V2MOM is an acronym for “Vision, Values, Methods, Obstacles, Measures”

  • Vision – The vision for where the company is going and what it should look like in the future.
  • Values – The values under which the company operates and adheres to.
  • Methods – The key initiatives each team is focused on that will help the company achieve the vision.
  • Obstacles – The identified obstacles that each team will need to overcome to complete their methods and help the company reach the vision.
  • Measures – The measures by which you’ll assess your progress on the methods.

The V2MOM framework helps everyone in the organisation to understand exactly where the company is going and how each individual member work in a team to contribute towards achieving the Vision.

Further Reading:

Stand Back and Deliver: Accelerating Business Agility | Book Series

This book is best for those who are using frameworks by a strategic approaches, which will help best efforts by delivering the business value and building competitive advantage.
You will discover how to use the author’s’ Purpose Alignment Model to make best decisions on where to invest limited resources–and how to filter out activities.

You will learn:-

1.Learn Effectively evaluating, planning, and implementing large system projects.

2.Reducing resistance to process improvements.

3.Developing the forms of collaboration that are crucial to sustaining innovation.

Pollyanna Pixton, Niel Nickolaisen, Todd Little, Kent McDonald

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