Interview with Geoff Watts

We are glad to present our recent conversation with Geoff Watts on Leading the Change. Geoff is the author of one of the popular coaching books The Coach’s Casebook and the Agile book Scrum Mastery.

In the interview we discussed about need of organisational change, critical aspect of Leading the change, and what should remain stable when so much is changing at work. Let’s read;

Q1. Please share your view on when organizational change/transformation is needed?

Geoff: For me the word transformation is becoming irrelevant. Conditions are not static enough to allow the time for a transformation. Organisational structure and culture needs to be more fluid. The challenge now is to be able to constantly flex the culture and structure of the organisation to meet the changing environmental conditions while remaining coherent. Any organisation that think they have completed their transformation and achieved their end state is either fooling themselves or hasn’t read the signs.

Q2. What is the most critical aspect of Leading the change?

Geoff: Without wishing to be too cliche, I would look at the Ghandi quote of “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. The behaviours of the leaders are the biggest influences on the culture of their organisations. Coherence between the messages they send out and their actions is critical. .

Q3. As a leader, when do we set up a stage for failure when undergoing change?

Geoff: The world of work that many leaders find themselves in requires them to build organisations that are designed to be resilient rather than robust. Avoiding change is impossible now so putting your energy in to efforts to protect against inevitable change is wasted. This inevitable change can lead to a feeling of failure because our setup, our processes are no longer valid for the new conditions. Also, we can look at our inability to predict the future as a sort of failure. But this is silly. Failure isn’t about an inability to predict but rather an inability to react constructively or quickly enough. Failure is an inability to experiment or an inability to embrace learning. And leaders can help encourage this by demonstrating this themselves. Admit when they don’t know the answer, take risks by running experiments and acknowledge (perhaps even celebrate) when things don’t turn out the way they hoped.

Q4. When so much is changing, what should we expect to remain stable?

Geoff: It is very helpful to keep the team composition stable so that they can learn together, develop together as it takes time and energy to become self-organising and high-performing. A stable vision is also very helpful so long as it is one that allows the solution to emerge through iterative and incremental development. Values and principles are also more likely to remain stable while practices will change. Keeping a sense of who we are and what we stand for is important.

Q5. How to know when you are an effective leader? Share your thought on being versatile in leadership style.

Geoff: At Gore, the official line was that everyone is a leader when they have followers. If people stop following you then you are no longer a leader.

I help leaders and leadership teams follow a journey towards ORGANIC agility which has a number of phases associated with the maturity of the team’s ability to self-manage. During this journey, leaders need to adapt their leadership style to the circumstances, to the culture they are looking to create and what their followers/team both want and need from them at that point in time. This will be challenging for the leader and the people they are leading in different ways.

Q6. What do you wish for the Agile Community five years down the line?

Geoff: I wish for greater diversity while at the same time greater cohesion. At the moment there are many different ways to try and help organisations realise the benefits of agility throughout the company of splicing the values and principles of agility into the DNA of the organisation if you like. For example Scrum at Scale, SAFe, LeSS and ORGANIC agility etc.

I think of these as multiple parallel experiments. I believe we are starting to see the results of these experiments and so it is time to dampen some of the ones that aren’t working and amplify the ones that are. This will provide greater overall cohesion and then give room for more experiments on the details.


Geoff Watts is the founder of Inspect & Adapt Ltd and one of the most experienced and respected Scrum coaches in the world. He helps individuals create great teams by developing a culture of reflection, empowerment and engagement. An inspirational speaker at international conferences, he is at the cutting edge of the developments in the agile world. He is also passionate about promoting servant-leadership through his coaching practice.

He is a member of the International Coach Federation, National Council of Psychotherapists & the Association of Business Psychologists.

Interview with Al Shalloway

Al Shalloway is an author, founder and Lean-Agile thought leader. It was an enriching experience to discuss with him on Agile Implementations a decade back and now. He also shared his thoughts on growing and developing as a leader, and why teaching and coaching approach needs to evolve with passage of time.

Q.1 What is your definition of being Agile?

Al: Agile is about teamwork (where the team can be small group to the entire organization) towards an agreed upon goal.  People must work together in a respectful, collaborative way. They must also respect the natural laws of product development and understand that planning only goes so far and therefore must always be looking to adjust as needed.

Q2. Do you see any change in Agile implementations a decade back and now?

Al: Yes. Agile has fractionated into a few camps, some not qualifying as Agile at all. There are those who believe the Agile Manifesto is still the basis for the definition of Agile (I am not one of these). There are others who believe Agile is a combination of being and doing in an attempt to improve the way people work and their general effectiveness (I am in this group). And then there are those that call themselves Agile but have either a degree of dogmatism or non-Agile practices to be considered truly Agile.

Q3. What are the challenges to Agile Software projects beyond the single team? How to overcome those?

Al: The biggest centre around lack of alignment and poor eco-systems within which teams work. Agile’s definition centering around the team (the Agile Manifesto mentions the team 17 times, management not at all) doesn’t address these issues. Focusing the realization of value predictably, sustainably and with high quality should be the basis for overcoming these challenges. Don Reinertsen suggests “if you quantify one thing, quantify cost of delay.” This is an important insight – achieve greater value by reducing delay. How to accomplish this depends upon the organization but there are many patterns of solution.

Q4. When Agile approaches doesn’t work?

Al: Most Agile approaches are really sets of practices that may or may not be applicable. Lean, however, will always work. Lean should be the basis for any Agile adoption as well. Lean is based on the following:

  • Take a systems thinking mindset
  • Create environments within which people can thrive
  • Use small batches of work and avoid delays in workflow, feedback and value realization
  • Attend to quality

Q5. How to ensure that you grow and develop as a leader?

Al: The focus needs to be on questioning your long held, cherished beliefs. It is very easy to get into tribes of knowledge. When someone disagrees with you try to see the truth of what they say. There is very likely some. Even if you don’t agree with them understand their perspective.

Q6. Does the coaching and teaching approach also needs to evolve with change?

Al: Definitely. The vast majority of coaching and teaching violates decades of knowledge of how people learn. I believe the Scrum model of “learn the framework, stick to it until you understand it and figure things out” is a very poor one – but one that has been adopted by most everyone except those who promote TDD/BDD/Kanban – all of which have a different adoption style. I believe Agile, having hit the mainstream, needs to start adopting scaled learning methods where people learn over time and in cohorts of their peers.

Q7. One message you have for our readers.

Al: Remember your goal is to improve and help others improve. Everything you learn is a tool for that. Question everything. Set time aside for that.


Al Shalloway is the founder and CEO of Net Objectives. With 45 years of experience, Al is an industry thought leader in Lean, Kanban, product portfolio management, Scrum and Agile design. He helps companies transition to Lean and Agile methods enterprise-wide as well teaches courses in these areas. He is a popular speaker at prestigious conferences worldwide. He is the primary author of Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design, Lean-Agile Pocket Guide for Scrum Teams, Lean-Agile Software Development: Achieving Enterprise Agility and Essential Skills for the Agile Developer.