
Portfolio Optimization | Glossary


Portfolio optimization is the process of selecting best portfolio from a list of portfolios or assets by analyzing measuring the threshold of return on investments, and level of credit risk across entire organization. The main factors being considered, to meet some business objectives such as expected return, minimized levels of financial risk, and from assets, earnings, liabilities and other tangible investments to intangible factors.

Portfolio Optimization is performed to analyze what if conditions of all assets and improve the portfolio performance and meet business requirements. It helps to strategically manage product portfolios to determine losses and assess the capital adequacy under changing economic conditions. Portfolio Optimization and Strategic planning solutions enable to identify optimal investment scenarios, ensuring bigger project outcomes that align to short and long-term product development goals.

Further Reading:

Book: Disciplined Agile Delivery by Scott W. Ambler and Mark Lines

Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process by Kenneth S. Rubin

The Agile Mind: How Your Brain Makes Creativity Happen | Book Series


This book is all about the most prestigious Agile mindset one should have, it speaks about the ability to imagine things that which have never existed and create new ideas. This book demystifies the things that are often misconstrued by us about how the brain functions and how to make it creative and become better.

We often think that creativity diminishes from lifespan, but this book says that brain can regenerate and continuously learn until our last breath. It in fact, gives a judgement on how we can become even more creative, if we follow the right methods and techniques of simulation that broadens our minds. Read this book, if you want to delve into the deepest research of brain and discover an incredible range of tips to become creative and happier in life.


Estanislao Bachrach

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