Leading with Outcomes: Train-the-Trainer / Facilitator (TTT/F) Workshop | 08-09 Dec, 2024

INNOVATION ROOTS announces Leading with Outcomes: Train-the-Trainer/Facilitator workshop with Mike Burrows (Founder, Agendashift), to be held on 08-09 December 2024 at Bengaluru.

This training is primarily the entry point into the Leading with Outcomes Authorised Trainer and Facilitator programmes, but also a powerful introduction to the concepts and practice of leadership and strategy in the transforming organisation.

Authorised Facilitator: The Authorised Leading with Outcomes Facilitator programme gives you everything you need to bring the tools of Leading with Outcomes into your workplace or practice, including:

  • The Agendashift assessment tools
  • Workshop materials, with integrated workshop designs and our full range of workshop tools 

Authorised Trainer: All the benefits of the Facilitator programme and more! As an Academy-authorised Leading with Outcomes Trainer, you can deliver certified public or private training in the Leading with Outcomes curriculum:

  • Leading with Outcomes: Foundation
  • Inside-out Strategy: Fit for maximum impact
  • Outside-in Strategy: Positioned for success
  • Adaptive Organisation: Business agility at every scale

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