A retrospective is an opportunity for a team to learn and improve. In short, retrospective involves discussion on what worked well, what didn’t work well and what are we going to try to do differently? In our discussion with her, we spoke about Retrospective, what is not a Retrospective.She said having just a meeting is not a Retrospective, we need to involve the team members and start what you are doing.She con-sized on the different parts of retrospective.
She answered many of our questions on why is it important to do a Retrospective. She also emphasized on learning things and asking questions and one should themselves do a retrospective for better understanding. She spoke on organization perspective and many more.
Interviewee: Linda Rising(Independent Consultant)
Linda Rising is an American author, lecturer, Independent Consultant. She also contributed to the book 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know, edited by Kevlin Henney and published by O´Reilly in 2009.
Interviewer: Noopur Pathak (Chief Media Editor, INNOVATION ROOTS)