Adaptive software development | Glossary


Adaptive software development (ASD) has been proposed by Jim Highsmith as a technique for building complex software and systems. It’s focused on rapid creation and evolution of software systems. There is no pre planned steps in this process. The structure of adaptive software development and rapid application development are similar. It grew out of rapid application development. ASD‘s overall emphasis on the dynamics of self-organizing teams, interpersonal collaboration, and individual and team learning yield software project teams. The method follows a dynamic lifecycle instead of the traditional, static lifecycle, Plan-Design-Build. It is characterized by constant change, re-evaluation, peering into an uncertain future and intense collaboration among developers, testers and customers.

ASD life cycle incorporates three phases. The diagram illustrates the life cycle of ASD.

• Speculation

• Collaboration

• Learning

Further Reading:

Book: Applying UML and Patterns by Craig Larman

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