How We Learn | Book Series


This book will help you to learn Spanish – or the Spanish guitar – faster. This book will give an athlete the edge to turn Silver into Gold. This book will give any child the chance to perform better in exams. Full stop. How We Learn is a landmark book that shakes up everything we thought we knew about how the brain absorbs and retains information. Filled with powerful – and often thrillingly counter-intuitive – wisdom, stories and practical tips, it gets to the very heart of the learning process; and gives us the keys to reach our very fullest potential in every walk of life.


Benedict Carey

Published In:

June 04, 2015.


WIP limits | Glossary


One of the core properties of Kanban is that Work in Progress is limited. Limiting WIP is to match team’s development capacity. Generally, we set WIP limit per column – workflow stage. However, it is also acceptable to establish limits per person or team.

Further Reading:

Book: kanban Maturity Model by Teodora Bozheva, David J. Anderson