Release Cadence | Glossary


In Agile, Cadence is the number of days or weeks allocated in a Sprint or Release. In other way round, it is the length of the team’s development cycle. In the present business environment, a wide range of organizations go for a two week cadence. The cadence that a project or organization selects is based on a number of factors that include: criticality, risk and the type of project.

Apart from collaboration, every delivery team needs to do in product management is to choose the release cadence of their product. This is an important aspect, as the release cadence defines how often you release your solution both internally and externally into production (or the marketplace). The teams will release their solutions into production environments or cloud server where end users will use systems. But the commercial software companies, release their solutions directly into marketplace confronting their customers directly.

Further Reading:

Disciplined Agile Delivery by Scott W. Ambler and Mark Lines


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