Acceptance Criteria | Glossary



Acceptance Criteria are the conditions that a software/product must deliver on, so as to be accepted by a user, customer, or the consuming system. They are statements that have a clear pass/fail result and specify both functional and non-functional requirements. Acceptance criteria are defined, when a work item is complete and fully functional.

Further Reading

  • For more on Acceptance Criteria, read here.

User | Glossary

User is usually the end-user in Software Development, for whom, a product or application is being developed. The end-user, defines the set of requirements and expectations of what he wants in an application, which then is worked upon by the software development team.

In the year 1200, with the phrase “employ for a purpose”, from Old French phrase “employ, make use of, practice, frequent”, from Vulgar Latin “usare”, which is a frequent form of past participle of Latin. Also from, the phrase uti, which means “make use of, profit by, take advantage of, enjoy, apply, consume,”. Overall, the word ‘use’ acts as an originator for it.

Further Reading

  • “User Stories Applied”, by Mike Cohn.
  • User Story Mapping“, by Jeff Patton.

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