Context switching | Glossary


Context switch in computing language is a process of storing the state of a process or of a thread, so that it can be restored and execution of the process is resumed from the same point later.

Multi-tasking requires context switching which does not give productivity gains. There is an increase in the level of frustration for people involved in working on these tasks developers and delivery manager waiting for the tasks to be completed. The greater the level of context switching, the greater the loss in productivity.

Cost of switching context is a form of waste, this waste can be minimised by minimising the number of times a developer switches context.

Further Reading:

Book: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time by Jeff Sutherland
Book: The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development by Donald Reinertsen

Beta Launch | Glossary

Second letter of the Greek alphabet is named as Beta. In Software, Beta Phase is where Feature Development is complete but likely to contain known or unknown bugs. In software development Beta phase follows Alpha.

Beta Launch is a good practice where application is released and used by a small audience in order to identify bugs, remaining issues and workout any implementation before making it available to wider audience. Beta launch access end users experience in using the application, whether the data generated by the application satisfies the needs of the client and partners. Here there is an opportunity to test solution implementation with real time users while minimising the negative backlash that could make or break ta project.

Beta Launch is a cost effective way to test the product quality, test acceptance of product before commercial launch.