Fail Early | Glossary


Failing Early is seen as an advantage in the Agile method. Failing early gives you the opportunity to recover and see small/hidden failures and resolve them as fast as possible. All projects start from the RED status, and have to work to the GREEN status, this is beneficial in that regard.

Failures can be both big and small in nature, and it’s important that both be given equal measure. Especially for aspiring, dedicated Project Managers.

Further Reading

  • “Agile Project Management” (book), by Jim Highsmith.


Agile Project Manager | Glossary


The ‘Project Manager’ role and responsibility isn’t allocated to a single individual in the Agile field.  Due to the nature of Agile, the ‘Project Manager’ roles and responsibilities are shared among others working on the project. They can be the Team, Scrum Masters and Product Owner as well. The roles and responsibilities are not rigid according to hierarchy.

Agile projects tend to scale with Agile Project Management. Even when teams grow to incredible large sizes, it becomes necessary to introduce more points of coordination. Hence, larger projects sometimes do contain a centralized role of a ‘Project Manager’. However, the actual Project Management is still distributed to a large degree across the team.

Further Reading

  •  “Agile Project Management”(book), by Jim Highsmith.