Project Management | Book Series


It gives you a complete introduction to the concept of a sprint in agile scrum and then takes you step by step through carrying out and improving sprints in your team or business from the ground up. It also gives you plenty of examples. It tells you EXACTLY how I have carried out sprints in practice and guides you through some common best practices based on extensive research. In this you will learn:

  • A brief recap of agile and scrum principles
  • Why the sprint is so powerful for delivering, inspecting, adapting and improving your product
  • How to carry out a sprint in your team or business like the pros
  • Concise tips and options for improving your delivery


Paul VII

Published In:

30 May 2016

GUIs with Glue | Glossary


Another practical Agile requirement tip is to first prototype UIs and UI navigation in collaboration with clients, using paper, pen, sticky notes, and so forth. This well-known techniques goes by names, created by Luke Hohmann “GUIs with Glue”. In this techniques, we represent web pages and windows on large sheets of paper with small blue sheets on them to convey the information and pink sticky notes to represent the UI of the product.

To quickly model navigation between web pages or windows, sketch a UML statechart  diagram on the sheet, where the states represent the windows or pages, and the transition events showcase the UI navigation gestures. For example: Clicking a Button

Further Reading:

Book: Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager’s Guide by Craig Larman