Fragile | Glossary


In the last few decades, Agile has become the most prominent  approach for modern day Product Development. However, it’s core values are often misrepresented and abused. This is such a commonplace practice, that there is an official name for it aka ‘Fragile’ (or frAgile). It’s meant as a warning shot for developers to handle their software product with care, else it’s crash and burn and cause detrimental impact to the entire team.

Elements like Technical Debt, and teams consistently carrying over their work on to the next sprint, Product Manager/ Leader who is quitting, or any miscommunications with customers etc. makes a Software product ‘Fragile’, and must be avoided at all costs.

Further Reading

  •  “Agile Project Management”(book), by James Shore.

Iterative Development | Glossary


Iterative Development is a method that breaks down the large workload of a Software Development process into smaller chunks, and in cycles. The featured code is designed, developed and tested in continuous repeated cycles. Features are added/subtracted after each iteration so as to develop the software in its best possible condition to be deployed.

Iterative development is a key practice in Agile Development Methodology. It is a contrast with the traditional Waterfall Method, in which Development Cycle is ‘Gated’. The purpose of working in iterations is to allow more flexibility and change.  Every cycle brings more possibilities of improving the functionality of the product and towards finally building a great end product.

Further Reading

  •  “Agile and Iterative Development Complete Self-Assessment Guide” (book), by Gerardus Blokdyk .