Leadership: Leadership styles and techniques that will make you a better leader | Book Series

Overview: People strive to become better leader which takes time, perseverance to get there. They also need proper guidance. Malcolm Roberts having a valued professional experience decided to write down leadership tips so that people can have a source to look at for more inspiration on how to become a great leader.

In this guide on Leadership, he shares the need for adaptation Suitable leadership styles, the importance of quality decision-making, difference between management and leadership, other leaders real life case studies and many more useful leadership techniques.

This book guides how to go about developing your leadership and on how to stay relevant and proactive at what you are doing. Enhance your leadership quality by reading more insights and experiences of seasoned leaders.

Published in: 11 September 2016

Author: Malcolm Roberts

Agile Project Manager | Glossary


The ‘Project Manager’ role and responsibility isn’t allocated to a single individual in the Agile field.  Due to the nature of Agile, the ‘Project Manager’ roles and responsibilities are shared among others working on the project. They can be the Team, Scrum Masters and Product Owner as well. The roles and responsibilities are not rigid according to hierarchy.

Agile projects tend to scale with Agile Project Management. Even when teams grow to incredible large sizes, it becomes necessary to introduce more points of coordination. Hence, larger projects sometimes do contain a centralized role of a ‘Project Manager’. However, the actual Project Management is still distributed to a large degree across the team.

Further Reading

  •  “Agile Project Management”(book), by Jim Highsmith.