Hypothesis-Driven Development | Glossary


Hypothesis-Driven Development is thinking about the development of new ideas, products and services – even organizational change – as a series of experiments to determine whether an expected outcome will be achieved.

Further Reading:

Book: The DevOps Handbook by Gene Kin, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois and John Willis 

Hypothesis Driven Development | Glossary



Hypothesis-Driven Development is the practice of the development of new ideas, services and products. These act as a series of experiments that eventually determine whether a desired outcome will be achieved. The process undergoes constant iteration until said desirable outcome is achieved, or is determined to be not viable. This process requires a flexible mindet, due to its experimental nature, and an understanding of the consumer mindset.


Further Reading

  • “Lean Enterprise:How High Performance Organizations Innovate at Scale”(book), by Barry O’Reilly, Jez Humble, and Joanne Molesky
  • For more on Hypothesis Driven Development , read  here.