Agile Data Science: Building Data Analytics Applications with Hadoop | Book Series


Are you sure about your, self-built models and applications? With this handcrafted book, you will learn the flexible tools and practices to build effective analytics application using Hadoop.

You will gain hands-on experience on how to use the lightweight tools such as Python, Pig, Apache and D3.js Library. Through this book, your team will learn how to create an environment of exploring data, and start with an example of mining your own inboxes.  This book will teach you an iterative approach, that enables you to quickly have a grip on your analysis you’re doing, mostly inclined to what the data is telling. You’ll learn that an iterative approach that enables you to quickly change the kind of analysis you’re doing, depending on what the data is telling you. You will also learn some samples of code that are available in Heroku apps.


Russell Jurney

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Blameless Continuous Integration: A Small Step Towards Psychological Safety of Agile Teams | Book Series


This book is one of the best read that you will come across. The way concepts have been explained in this book is relatable and easy to understand. The best part of the book is the introduction of non-fictional characters and which could be relatable to the character Raj, a Developer, and what he goes through when his build fails. This book is illustrated from an Agile Trainers’ perspective, and a lot of points are stressed upon the importance of Continuous Integration. This book will surely help you to convey a message to participants and teams in the best possible way. It’s a must read!


Vivek Ganeshan

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