Fail Fast, Fail Often | Glossary

Definition :

Among many driving new companies and trend-setters, the thought is that business disappointment can be something worth being thankful for whatever length of time that you take in the exercise. They trust it isn’t only an approach to comfort yourself after things turn out badly: it is really a system that can enable an organization to develop. This is particularly valid if your organization is in the Agile programming business – in light of the fact that flop quick, bomb frequently is one of the key rules that makes Agile so effective.

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Further Reading:

Lean Agile Software Development by Alan Salloway, Guy Beaver and James R. Trott.


Fail-Fast | Glossary


‘Fail-Fast’ is an oft-debated, controversial topic that involves trying something new, obtaining rapid feedback and quickly inspecting and adapting. It’s practiced in methods of high uncertainties , where it’s less expensive to start a product. The task is to learn whether the decisions work. If they don’t, the Project is killed fast, and focus is  moved on to the next thing.

It’s seen as a controversial move in the general press and media, which often sees it as reckless and irresponsible. It’s also a much criticized move in Agile/Lean/DevOps where the ‘fail often’ approach is not encouraged.

Further Reading

  • “Fail Fast, Fail Often: How Losing Can Help You Win”(book), by Ryan Babineaux