Marginal Economics | Glossary


Marginal Economics deals with ‘Margins’ and the next chunk of money that is supposed to be justified by the investment that it generates. When Marginal Economics are applied, all work that has been performed on the product till the decision point is dignified as “sunk cost”, which overall, is not considered in determining further spending decisions.

Marginal thinking in general, is discouraged in Agile. Stockpiling costs/ resources is not recommended in this field. The process in general is considered more inclined towards full value, instead of margins.

Further Reading

  •  “Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit”(book), by Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck

HiPPO | Glossary


HiPPO (Highest Paid Persons Oopinion) is used as a descriptive term for the tendency for the lower paid people in office to defer to those with larger pay-scales than them, when making crucial decisions. It’s an understandable human instinct, but it is also cautionary and detrimental to the Agile process.

It is to be avoided because the Agile method ranks all team members are equal, wit no member outranking the other. This concept has proven to be difficult for new Agile adopters to grasp and initially, Team Members fear individual retribution. Hence, the solution is to deliver trust in a team to deliver, and eventually empowering them to solve problems.

Further Reading

  •  “Hippo: The Human Focused Digital Book” (book), by Pete Trainor.