Affinity Diagram | Glossary


Affinity Diagram is a powerful tool to organise information. A tool that gathers ideas, opinions, issues and organised them into groups or themes based on their natural relationships.

The term affinity diagram was devised by Jiro Kawakita in 1960 and also referred as KJ Method. During brainstroming session, this tool allows large number of ideas generated and sorted to make some sense for review and analysis to bring insights. The process to develop this is to record each ideas on cards or notes, cluster ideas that seems to be related and  label them as it make sense which can be further use for easier management and analysis.

Further Reading:

Book Series

Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code | Book Series


This book gives you detailed analysis on the principles of refactoring, including where to identify opportunities for refactoring, and the way to line up the desired tests. The book additionally consists of a catalog with more than 40 evidenced refactorings in detail. And, step by step instructions on why? and where to use refactorings, illustrated with examples of how it works.


Martin Fowler

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