Delphi Method | Glossary


The Delphi Method plays an important role in the duties and responsibilities of a Project Manager in helping take informed decisions. Originally developed as a method of forecasting, it involves the sending out of several rounds of questionnaires, and the aggregation of their anonymous responses.

Since many rounds of questions are asked and the panel is informed of the group’s overall thoughts, the Delphi method aims to reach the right answer through consensus.

Further Reading

  • “Expert Delphi” (book), by Pawel Glowacki


Wideband Delphi Method | Glossary


The ‘Wideband Delphi Method’ is a variation of ‘ The Delphi Method’. It is a significant estimation technique in Software Development. It is a commonly taught and recognized subject in Agile Project Management. The central focus is on the “commitment velocity”. It’s approach has been popularized towards Task Estimation in various industries, ranging from statistical data collection, to sales and marketing.

This method of estimation involved a panel of experts. They are made to answer questions in multiple rounds, and a facilitator provides summary of the forecasts from the previous rounds, upon which the experts revise their earlier answers (So on and so forth). It is believed that this process will eventually lead the group to converge towards the “correct” answer

Further Reading

  •  “Agile Estimating and Planning (Robert C. Martin Series)” (book), by Mike Cohn.