Toyota Production System: Beyond large-scale production | Book Series

Overview: This classic business book, spotlights on the creative thoughts of the author Taiichi Ohno, who is also the inventor of the world famous socio-technical system ‘Toyota Production System and Lean Manufacturing’. This book contains deep analysis and research on Toyota’s attempt at implementing Lean Production, Lean principles and how they can improve any business endeavor.

The historical and philosophical description of Lean manufacturing and Just-in-time is recommended reading for all the students in the human work progress. Moreover, it also provides practical tips and inspiration for the people who aim for efficiency in work by eliminating waste.


Taiichi Ohno

Published In:


Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed | Book Series

Overview: The author of this book is a certified Bibliophile and a professional geek, having owned books on software methods that any average human can possess. The author says that “Balancing Agility and Discipline has a very prominent place on shelves of my library because it has helped me sort out the noise and confusions with the current methods.” This is an incredible book portraying the emotionally complicated topic and the authors deserve huge applause for the care they have handled and for the tremendous job in identifying the five critical factors that every business professional faces in his entire career for creating the right balance of flexibility and structure.

  • Personnel
  • Criticality
  • Size
  • Culture and
  • Dynamism

These thoughtful analyses by the authors of this book will help developers, Managers and IT professionals who have to sort through the agile-disciplined debate, while also giving them the guidance to create the right mix for their projects.


Barry Boehm,‎ Richard Turner

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