Managing Product Development | Book Series


This book is a powerful guide to successful Product Development for firms serving to diverse industries. It is the best book for those who are into international research in the field of Product Innovation and Development. The book also gives a clear explanation on Competitive success between firms which always depends on what new products, they develop and bring to market. Others explore Product Development in the automobile, biotechnology, photolithographic, and textile machinery industries.


Toshihiro Nishiguchi

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Get SAFe Now: A Lightning Introduction to the Most Popular Scaling Framework on Agile | Book Series

SAFe is the most popular framework to firms which needs to scale on Agile Teams. This book is the best guide for First time readers. “Get SAFe Now” makes SAFe approachable to all and quickly recommends start-up approach to implementing SAFe in a detailed way through visuals and real-world examples. It uses Active Learning technique to test the understanding leveraging thought provoking questions.

Mohammed Musthafa Soukath Ali

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