Iteration Retrospective | Glossary


An Iteration Retrospective is a practice followed by Agile teams, which gather for a team meeting after the end of an iteration to discuss the what was delivered, challenges faced and what the areas of improvement are there. This is a time boxed meeting for an hour or less.

Further Reading

  • “Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time”, by Jeff Sutherland.
  • “Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process”, by Kenneth S. Rubin.

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Heavy Weight Methodologies | Glossary


A Heavyweight methodology is a complex software development method that prescribes to a set of strict,complex and hard to follow rules/practices to finally deliver the finished product.

Further Reading

  • “The Rational Unified Process: An Introduction”, by Philippe Kruchten .
  •  “The enterprise unified process”, by Scott Ambler.


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