INNOVATION ROOTS Announces a new workshop Bengaluru Flow Days

INNOVATION ROOTS is glad to inform you about the launch of new workshop- Bengaluru Flow Days. We are also happy to have Patrick Steyaert and Mike Burrows as presenters for this workshop, which is going to be held on 17-18 September, 2017 at Bengaluru, Karnataka.

This two-days workshop is structured on the concepts of Okaloa Flowlab and Agendashift Practitioner’s workshop. On the first day of the workshop, Patrick Steyaert will teach you the uses of Okaloa Flowlab and explore different ways to bring about more collaboration, awareness and empathy between upstream and downstream partners. On the second day, Mike Burrows talks on the Agendashift Practitioner’s workshop, where you will explore new ways to approach Lean-Agile transformation and learn some great tools to grow your competencies as a coach.

This workshop will be run from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Register for the workshop at

Flow | Glossary

Flow, in Agile Software development is defined as the steady, and consistent progress of work to ensure maximum economic value is delivered to the customer.

The sense of “any strong, progressive movement comparable to the flow of a river” is from 1640’s. Used in Software development since late 1980’s.

Further Reading

  • “Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business”,  by David J. Anderson.
  • “Kanban from the Inside”, by Mike Burrows.
  • “The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development”, by Donald G. Reinertsen.

Know more about Kanban by registering for our workshops by visiting our website