Management by Walking Around | Glossary


Management by Walking Around (MBMA) referee to a style of business management which involves manages wandering around, in an unstructured manner, through the workplace at random to check with employees on the status of ongoing work. The origin of the term has been traced to executives at the company Hewlett Packard for management practices in the 1970s.

The emphasis is on the word walking as an unplanned visit, when employees are not expecting a visit from managers at a more systematic, pre-approved scheduled time. The expected benefit is that by random sampling of event or employees discussions, is more likely to facilitate improvements to the morale, sense of organisational purpose, productivity and total quality management.

Further Reading:
Book: SUCCEEDING WITH AGILE Software Development Using Scrum by Mike Cohn

Validating Product Ideas: Through Lean User Research | Book Series


The book is written by Tomer Sharon who is the Head of User Experience in WeWork, a New York based CoWorking Space service provider that has spread its business across India, USA, Canada, Australia, UK and other countries.

If you want to know, what your users are thinking and you are working as a Product Manager or developer, then this book is a must-read. The book is full of learning techniques and practices to design a product or a creative art work that generates better results and customer engagement. It’s a must-read book for any one who is in product development or startup which is already into product development but still needs user experience. The author Tomer had done an amazing job, creating a step-by-step easy to read guide with best user research and validation techniques such as Experience Sampling, Observation, Concierge MVP, AB Testing and many more.


Tomer Sharon

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