A Seat at the Table | Book Series


Agile, Lean, and DevOps approaches are radical game changers, providing a fundamentally different way to think about how IT fits into the enterprise, how IT leaders lead, and how IT can harness technology to accomplish the objectives of the enterprise. But honest and open conversations are not taking place between management and Agile delivery teams.

In A Seat at the Table, CIO Mark Schwartz explores the role of IT leadership as it is now and opens the door to reveal IT leadership as it should be―an integral part of the value creation engine. With an easy style, Schwartz reveals that the only way to become an Agile IT leader is to be courageous―to throw off the attitude and assumptions that have kept CIOs from taking their rightful seat at the table. CIOs, step on up, your seat at the table is waiting for you.


Mark Schwartz

Published In:

02 October 2017

Build-Measure-Learn | Glossary

Definition :

Build-measure-learn (BML) is a process of building a product, measuring consumer metrics and learning from them to better respond to customer needs and improve the product for the ultimate sustainability of the company.

BML generally relies on releasing a minimum viable product (MVP), one that satisfies market demands without going overboard on features that customers don’t want. After release of the MVP, customer feedback and metrics can be used to improve future versions of the product.

Further Reading :

Book: The Lean Startup by Eric Ries