Interview with Karl Scotland

Mr. Karl Scotland has established himself as a leading voice in the advocacy of Lean and Agile approaches worldwide. Having worked with organizations like the BBC, Yahoo!, EMC Consulting, Rally Software, Cisco and SDL, he’s been a pioneer of using Kanban Systems and Strategy Deployment for product development.

We had the pleasure of conversing with him and getting to inquire about some of the topics that he’s written/spoken about, to both expand our readers’ worldview regarding Lean and Agile thinking. Please read:

Q1. To start with, give us a brief introduction about yourself, and why you find Agile to be your preferred field of expertise.

Karl: I started my professional career as a developer, and after working on one particularly bad project began looking for better ways of working which could avoid all the late nights and weekends to meet unrealistic deadlines by cutting corners. This was in the late 90’s just as Agile was appearing as we know it today, so I soon discovered XP and Scrum, and began exploring a variety of new practices and techniques. I was an instant convert and have spent the rest of my career continuously searching for new ideas and learning better ways of working and helping organisations succeed.

Q2. You’ve recently written a lot about Strategy Deployment. Give us a brief description of its’ scale (and usage) in terms of big and small organizations.

Karl: Strategy Deployment is a general approach to aligning local organisational improvement initiatives with central strategy. The basic idea is that the best solutions emerge from those closest to the problem. For smaller organisations, at a smaller the scale, less formality and structure might be needed because it’s easier for everyone to communicate and collaborate around a common vision. Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) can be a simple approach in this situation. On the other hand, at a larger scale, the need for clarity of intent is greater to keep improvement work coherent with the overall strategy while allowing decisions on what to do to be decentralised. This is where I think the X-Matrix and other A3 formats, combined with the idea of Backbriefing, can be very useful for communication and collaboration across a large number and wide range of people.

Q3. Elucidate some ways to deploy strategy in unstructured/ disorganized industries. Especially those that are more labour- intensive and have less measurable collaterals, in terms of products.

Karl: I like to refer to the Strategy Kernel that Richard Rumelt describes in his excellent book “Good Strategy / Bad Strategy”. He proposes that a good strategy consists of three core elements; diagnosis, guiding policies and coherent actions. So deploying strategy begins first with understanding what aspirations you have, and diagnosing what critical challenges or opportunities you need to address to meet them. That diagnosis leads to choosing guiding policies which will enable you to making decisions about what you should (and shouldn’t) do. Those choices then become your coherent action. I’d say that this way of thinking is relevant across all industries. The more complex the work is, the greater the need for the coherent actions to be discovered by the workers rather than defined by any experts.

Q4. You’ve mention that devising an X-Matrix, is an extremely contextual endeavor. Elaborate more on that a little bit.

Karl: Every organisation is different and will be facing its own unique challenges and opportunities. Especially in the current rapidly changing world. Simply copying what others have done to be successful is missing the understanding of why certain choices were made, and will at best leave you lagging behind. Therefore, organisations need to learn for themselves how to solve their own problems, in their context, rather than simply copying others’ solutions.

Q5. In your website, you mentioned a bit about a ‘doing’ and ‘thinking’ organization philosophy. Which one would you ideally recommend for eager entrepreneurs who are introducing newer, more innovative products in the market?

Karl: I’d recommend doing both! Obviously if you only ever ‘think’ you’ll never get anything done, and if you only ever ‘do’ then it’s likely to be mindless copying or following orders. Having both means that you can carefully consider what action you might take, make a thoughtful choice, and then reflect on the decision. This leads to learning and improved decision making.

Q6. You wrote about impact mapping in your website. How would you suggest to deal with external factors/contingencies that can disrupt the flow and cause there to be wastage, in an otherwise perfectly mapped out routine?

Karl: With impact mapping, and in fact with any form of strategy deployment, we are making assumptions about how we think the world works. What we need to do, therefore, is test those assumptions, so that external factors, or other unknown and even unknowable conditions can be discovered early before they result in avoidable disruption and wasted efforts.

Q7. On a personal level, is there any particular Industry you’d like to analyse/ research/write/ comment on, or devise a Deployment strategy for?

Karl: I’m not so much curious about any specific industry than practicing across a range of industries. I worry that organisations that look for people with experience in their own industry are looking for experts with existing solutions they can implement. I’d rather help organisations by bringing in a naive perspective and coming up with something new and unique.

Q8. What are some of the requirements of being a good Agile coach? How would you advise other people to start getting around to building their careers in this field?

Karl: The main requirement is probably to have learnt the theory of why Agile works through real experience and practice. Just a theoretical knowledge isn’t enough and leads to what I call the Agile God Complex where coaches think their theoretical knowledge makes them experts who can prescribe solutions. Similarly, just practical experience leads to Agile Cargo Cults where coaches just copy what they have seen before. I would advise spending time working with Agile teams and organisations, engaging with the community by going to conferences or local meetups, and exploring and experimenting with a variety of different ideas.

Q9. Tell us something about your Keynote at Agile Gurugram 2018 and the workshop.

Karl: I’ll be talking more about the need for organisations to discover and learn what works for them in their context and introduce some tools and techniques which I believe can boost and enhance Agile Transformations. A3 formats such as the X-Matrix can concisely and visually create overall alignment. Backbriefing is a simple way of maintaining that alignment while allowing people the freedom to choose what action they should take. Experimentation generates quick feedback and information with which to continually learn and improve. Combined, these concepts allow Agile to be something which is participatory and co-created, rather than something which is imposed on people.




Mr. Karl Scotland has been a leading voice in Agile, and Agile consulting, having helped businesses become Learning Organizations with Strategy Deployment and Kanban. He’s the founding member of both the Lean Systems Society, as well as the Limited WIP Society, and the creator of Kanban Thinking, Ball Flow Game and the Lego Flow Game. Being a leading voice in the Agile field, he was awarded the honorary Brickell Key Community Contribution Award at the 2013 Lean Kanban North America conference.







Interview with Johanna Rothman

It was a pleasure having a conversation with Johanna Rothman, President of Rothman Consulting Group Inc. She is among those few people who has witnessed how Agile methodology has emerged over the period of time.

In our conversation Johanna discussed the difference between Coaching and Consulting, if Agile team hiring is different from regular hiring process and certain aspects of leadership.

Q1. I was going through your website and the first questions came to my mind was what is the difference between coaching and consulting. Please let us understand five major differences.

Johanna: When I coach people, I can do a deep dive into their concerns, challenges, actions, and reactions. We discuss the why’s, how’s and what’s for that individual person–both in their sphere of influence and outside that sphere. We take a system view to determine how the person can be effective.

When I consult, I take a system view for a team and an organization, not just the person. I work with more than one person, and often, more than one team.

Here are some differences:



One-on-one work. We work together. One-to-many work. I work with teams and managers across the organization.
We know our intended backlog, so we know what we will discuss. We don’t know the deliverables or the result. We know the client will try small experiments and report back. I structure consulting so we have defined results when we start working together. I know my deliverables.

I suggest experiments the client can do after this visit or in the future.

We discuss personal interactions in depth. Through the interpersonal, we discover the reinforcing loops and discuss them.

I often ask questions about the system(s) in the projects, but that’s not my focus.

Via the consulting (straight consulting or an assessment or a workshop), we discover reinforcing loops and discuss them in depth.

We might address specific interpersonal interactions if I notice them.

We design simulations or experiments together. I might have the client try a simulation I already designed.


There are some similarities, too:

  1. I often recommend people read and consider some specific writing to help them understand ideas we will or do discuss.
  2. We often draw pictures to see the situation(s).
  3. Sometimes, I create a simulation for the client to perform and report back.

Q2. What is the key to make geographically distributed agile project work?

Johanna: If I have to choose one thing, it’s respect. The team members need to learn to respect each other. The managers have to respect the team as a whole–no moving people in and out of the team.

The team decides how it will work–no one can mandate how the team will work. Yes, the team has a project to work on, but no one can tell a given team or team members how to work. The team decides all of that.

I am writing a book with Mark Kilby about geographically distributed agile teams now!

Q3. Is hiring an agile team any different from regular/general hiring?

Johanna: The short answer is No. 🙂 The longer answer is that the interpersonal skills are different for agile teams. We look for more collaboration, more willingness to experiment, more adaptability for agile team members.

In addition, an agile team must hire together. That doesn’t mean panel interviews–which are horrible–but developing and agreeing on the job analysis, understanding how to interview together, and how to agree on a candidate. The manager has to be involved, but agile hiring–at minimum–involves the team from interview to decision to hire.

Q4. In today’s world, how important is it to learn saying ‘No’ and end multitasking?

Johanna: The more work you have to do, the more you need to stop multitasking.

We have so many devices that can interrupt us, it’s even more critical than ever to stop multitasking on different work or different projects. I might be the only person in the world to turn off notifications when I’m focused on a project. I can’t stay in single-focus all day, but for an hour or two? I must. Or, I won’t finish anything.

I make my deliverables small, I focus on them until I finish, and then I pop back up.

It’s the same thing with everyone else. If you give yourself a chance to focus, finish something and then look around, you would find your throughput becomes more even and, at least for me,  higher.

For managers, this is even more important and more difficult. Managers make decisions that affect many more people than a team member does. Managers need to focus and finish something, and then do it again and again and again.

Q5. Give us insights on two scenarios when agile can go wrong.

Johanna: If a team isn’t interested in using agile approaches, agile is wrong for that team. If a manager wants a team to use agile approaches, first, invite the team to explain their position. I like to do this with open space.

Managers can try to mandate an agile approach. Even worse is when a well-meaning manager mandates a specific approach or a specific board.

However, agile approaches are a cultural change. People can’t successfully change their culture–especially to a collaborative approach–if they are told what to do and how to do it!

The second wrong is using an agile approach that doesn’t fit the team’s context. I see this when teams adopt a framework without looking at their context and team. (I wrote a whole book about this: Create Your Successful Agile Project: Collaborate, Measure, Estimate, Deliver.)

Q6. How important is storytelling when undergoing an agile transformation? Is it meant just for  leaders or managers or team or for all?

Johanna: People learn through stories. A story sets a context and explains the difficulties she encountered, what she tried, what worked and what didn’t, and where the situation is now. I love learning through stories and I love reading stories about what worked and didn’t work.

Everyone needs stories at various levels. If I’m a tester, I want to know how the testing worked. If I’m a manager, I want to know about all those projects and how the team collaborated with the customer. If I’m a requirements person, I want to know how the product owner worked and what happened.

Stories help us see the whys, hows, and whats to see if that situation fits our context.

Q7. Can situations make a person leader? When do you realize that a person has leadership skills/traits?

Johanna: Everyone has the possibility of being a leader. I have a different question: Does the culture of the organization encourage or discourage leadership? Here’s what I mean by leadership:

  • A person who realizes the current situation is not working or helpful for the person and/or the team.
  • A person who is ready to help the situation change.
  • A person who invites various approaches to change so the changes fit the situation.

I have a tendency to see a new possibility and say, “Let’s go there!” That is a form of leadership. It is not the only form. Sometimes, leaders are great facilitators. Sometimes, leaders help others understand why we should go there. Sometimes, leaders who have more empathy than ideas are even more successful.

There is no one right way to be a leader. What does the situation need? Can you help the situation? That’s leadership.

Q8. Final words for our audience.

Johanna: Thanks for asking me these questions. I invite anyone who wants to continue the conversation to start at Thanks!



Johanna Rothman, known as the “Pragmatic Manager,” provides frank advice for your tough problems. She helps leaders and teams see problems and resolve risks and manage their product development.

She is an author of over two hundred articles and several books: -Manage Your Job Search -Hiring Geeks That Fit -Manage Your Project Portfolio: Increase Your Capacity and Finish More Projects -The 2008 Jolt Productivity award-winning Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management -Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management etc.