This book breaks the myths and misconceptions surrounding the modern-day methodologies of Agile involved in creating software products. It gives a complete valuable comparison between traditional methods and Agile methods. You will learn the key points on how to maximize the business value with low-cost methods and high benefits. This is a must-read book for Executives, Project Managers, Scholars, Students, and Practitioners who are currently on the verge to learn Agile methods.
You will learn:
- History of Agile methods with respect to Scientific Management, Organizational Behaviour, Systems Theory, New Product Development and Lean Thinking
- A comprehensive introduction, and definition of Agile methods
- Tools and metrics to measure and estimate costs, benefits of Agile methods
- How to set a roadmap to connect Agile methods with company’s standards
- Roles of Agile Methodology in Engineering, Support, Quality Assurance and Software Maintenance
Dr. David F. Rico
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