Organizations around the globe are struggling to adapt to an increasingly turbulent economic, technological and business environment. Many companies are responding to the turbulence of today's world by adopting delivery and business agility practices. And for good reason: they provide well-tested practices and frameworks that improve a company's speed, customer satisfaction, and quality of delivery.
But, as many organizational leaders are finding, fulfilling on the promise of agility presents significant organizational challenges. This inevitably begs the question: how can I, as a leader, as a manager, build long-term, institutional conditions that support a deep and sustainable agility? What is my role as a leader in making that happen? How do I need to act; what do we need to redesign? How do I need to be able to think? How, ultimately, do I need to be?
Transforming Agile Management is a two-day workshop for those who have a leadership or management role who want to dramatically increase their ability to bring about sustained agility in the organizations in which they lead. Not only will you leave this workshop significantly more skillful and knowledgeable in leading and managing in an agile environment; you will leave with a deeper, inner capacity for being and doing as an agile leader.
Transforming Agile Management takes you through an organic sequence of four major steps that address the unique job of the Agile manager:
We start by examining the nature of self-organizing teams, the characteristics of the environment in which they operate, and how and when those environments support them, and when they constrain or undermine their success.
Seeing that our organizational culture, structures and policies thwart the efforts of self-organizing teams, we move to explore what new design principles might be needed to create the organization of the future. As we examine this new organization, we run up against the mental models -- in us and others -- that created the status quo in the first place.
To create a new organization, we must confront those mental models and upgrade them to a new model. Our inner "operating system" determines how we make sense of complex situations, and it is possible for us to generate an operating system "upgrade" to better deal with that complexity, and move towards our goal of organizational agility.
The key locus for upgrading our own operating system -- perhaps ironically -- is in relationship with others, rather than merely looking inward. In designing a new kind of relationship -- based on feedback, authenticity, relationship intelligence, and surrender -- we create those relationships as transformative.
Specific features of the workshop bring these facets of your leadership agility to the foreground and assist you in your learning and development throughout the 2 days: