Second Generation Lean Product Development Flow is an intensive 2-day workshop on practical and economically justifiable approaches for applying Lean methods in Product Development. To be more precise, the initial attempts to apply lean methods were simply copied behaviours that worked in manufacturing. But, this didn't work for product development, as it was completely a different domain. Eliminating all variability works in manufacturing; eliminates all innovation in product development.
Second Generation Lean Product Development takes a different, science-based, approach. It relies on understanding mechanisms of action and quantifying trade-offs. It uses economics, statistics, queuing theory, and concepts from telecommunication network design. It focuses on proven leverage points and specific practical methods that have helped participants achieve nearly 90 percent reduction in cycle time. Fundamentally, being different from other workshops, its intense focus is on quantification, economic justification, and the use of a science-based approach for applying lean.
The two-day hands-on workshop covers process for customizing Lean process that enables rapid, high-value product development.