(Andy Carmichael, Managing Director - Huge IO)
Andy Carmichael is a coach, consultant, and business builder who has been at the forefront of process change in software development teams for many years. He’s the principal Kanban trainer and Managing Director at Huge.IO in the UK and Ireland, and he’s an author, speaker and blogger who’s active in getting the lessons of Lean and Agile into the wider business community. He co-authored a guide to Kanban, Essential Kanban Condensed, with David J Anderson.
He is active in the Kanban and Agile communities and is a Kanban Coaching Professional and Accredited Kanban Trainer.
The purpose of your organisation is to create customers! Everything you do at work directly or indirectly affects the flow of value to the consumers of that work, and the likelihood they will become, stay, or stop being customers. We need to take the idea that knowledge work is a service seriously! This webinar introduces one of the key foundations of being a successful Kanban Management Professional, seeing and improving the network of services that enables your organisation to deliver value to customers.
Kanban defines three Service Delivery Principles that focus on this idea, and we'll look at them in more detail in this webinar. Thinking about the nature of the services we delivery, who we deliver them to, and what makes them fit for the customer's purpose, breaks through the purely procedural aspects of process to the motivations for, and mechanisms to, continually improve the way we work. We'll see that flow efficiency and lead time are an integral part of how customers experience our work.
This webinar introduces you to one of the elements of the Kanban Lens, as well as Kanban's principles and general practices. It will also set you on the road to find out more, and possibly to become a Kanban Management Professional (KMP).