( Principal and Senior Consultant - Ready Option )
Janice Linden-Reed is principal and senior consultant at Ready Option (readyoption.com), an organization dedicated to improving the delivery of critical work in fields such as social impact, disaster management, and public policy. She is a former executive with Lean Kanban Inc. and has over 10 years’ experience using Kanban for knowledge work and service work, as well as building programs and the global community for trainers, coaches, and enthusiasts for the Kanban Method. She is based in Seattle, Washington and appears around the world doing public speaking and consulting. Janice is program chair for the Lean Kanban North America 2019 conference, part of the Lean Kanban Global Summit.
It may be easy for you to list problems with your work.
Are you overwhelmed and the stack of work requests keeps growing? Do you try to deliver work on time but the schedule slips? Do you struggle with mis-communications across the organization? Are you unhappy with the work that you deliver? Are your customers unhappy with it?
You are experiencing the symptoms of a Chronic Work Disorder! Treating the symptoms -- such as applying new project management techniques - without first getting a deeper diagnosis can make things worse.
This webinar will show you how the Kanban Method applies mindfulness practices to get to the root of the problems in your system of work. Then it will guide you to a solution custom-made for your situation.