( Chief Scientist - Disciplined Agile, Inc. )
Scott is the Chief Scientist at Disciplined Agile, Inc. He works with organizations around the world to help them to adopt agile and lean strategies across the enterprise. He provides training, coaching, and mentoring in disciplined agile and lean strategies at both the project and organizational level. Scott is the (co)-creator of the Disciplined Agile (DA) framework as well as the Agile Modeling (AM) and Agile Data (AD) methodologies. He is the (co-)author of several books, including Choose Your WoW!, An Executive’s Guide to the Disciplined Agile Framework, Refactoring Databases, Agile Modeling, Agile Database Techniques, and The Object Primer 3 rd Edition. Scott blogs regularly at DisciplinedAgileDelivery.com
How Agile Software Teams Can Optimize Their Way of Working (WoW)
We like to say that agile teams own their own process by choosing their way of working, their “WoW.” This of course is easier said than done because there are several aspects to WoW. First, our team needs to know how to choose the appropriate lifecycle for the situation that we face. Should we take a Scrum-based approach, a lean/Kanban-based approach, a continuous delivery approach, or an exploratory/lean startup approach? Second, what practices should the team adopt? How do they fit together? When should we apply them? Third, what artifacts should the team create? When should they be created? To what level of detail? Finally, how do we evolve our WoW as we experiment and learn? There are several strategies that we could choose to follow when we tailor and evolve our WoW. One approach is to bootstrap our WoW, to figure it out on our own.
This works, but it is a very slow and expensive strategy in practice. Another approach is to hire an agile coach, but sadly in practice the majority of coaches seem to be like professors who are only a chapter or two ahead of their students. Or we could take a more disciplined, streamlined approach and leverage the experiences of the thousands of teams who have already struggled through the very issues that our team currently faces. This is something we call guided continuous improvement.