Self-organizing teams are a cornerstone of the Agile organization. Likewise, self-management is considered crucial to enterprise agility. In general, business agility requires autonomy at the individual, team and organizational level just as much as it requires acts of leadership at all levels. It requires individuals in teams or larger organizational units that can make decisions on their own while staying aligned with each other. It requires teams and organizational units that develop their own capabilities for collaboration and learning. In sum, a business is Agile to the extent that it autonomously develops and improves its own (autonomous) capabilities.
Autonomy is a main driver for motivation and engagement. Take away autonomy, and people will become disengaged or even actively resistant. Herein also lies the challenge. Autonomy cannot be imposed (lest risking to put people in a stress-full double bind). It requires people, teams and organizational units to reorganize their own experience and develop their own thinking rather than projecting our own experiences and imposing our own models onto them. It requires, what David Marquet describes as a leader-leader model.
In this workshop participants will get introduced to a number of powerful instruments to develop (grow) rather than impose autonomy. What you learn in this workshop will make you more effective at developing autonomous teams in your, or your customer’s, organization. It will also make you more effective as a coach and a trainer. The workshop exposes the participants to a unique teaching style where experience precedes theory. Rather than imposing a method or practices on the participants, they are offered a chance to challenge their Agile thinking and are given the opportunity to experience how work works – in a safe to fail environment – and develop their own thinking models that fit with their practices and frameworks. The workshop shows the different ways of developing autonomy by actually experimenting and immediately experience the results of it. As a result, the workshop reinforces, rather than replaces, any Agile frameworks or methods that the participants are already familiar with. It also introduces the participants to a set of Okaloa simulations that they can use in their own work or coaching.