Persona | Glossary


A Persona, defines a typical user who interacts with the system. The idea is to design software effectively for people, who are intended to interact with it. Personas are different in nature than ‘Actors’. Unlike Actors,  Personas are not ‘roles’ that people play.

Personas differ in nature, because they are descriptive of archetypes, instead of actors. For example, in a used case model we would have a customer as the actor. In personas however, we would describe several different types of customers, and help bring their vision to life. Usually, it is commonplace for 1-2 pages to be written for each Persona. Since, the goal is to bring your users to life, a good Persona is recommended to be highly personalized.

Further Reading

  •  “Agile Software Architecture: Chapter 4. Driving Architectural Design and Preservation from a Persona Perspective in Agile Projects”(book), by by Jane Cleland-Huang ,‎ Adam Czauderna ,‎ Mehdi Mirakhorli .

Agile Java: Crafting Code with Test-Driven Development | Book Series


This book shows how Java and TDD can be utilized to integrate with the entire Software Development Lifecycle by leveraging efficient development techniques. This book also demonstrates how to translates the oral requirements into practical, and how to use those tests to create highly-reliable code using Java, so as to solve real problems.

The author Jeff Langr has more than 15 years of experience as a developer, and currently, he is a consulting for Software Development, Design, and Agile process through his own company Langr Software Solutions.


Jeff Langr

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