Rebels at Work | Book Series


Struggling to make changes at work or convince management to take action? Ready to challenge conventional thinking or introduce a new idea, but worried about being viewed as a troublemaker or getting in way over your head? Rebels At Work provides concrete ideas, techniques and advice on how to refine your thinking, improve your approach to work, and manage yourself so you can achieve more and stay sane and optimistic in the process. Authors Lois Kelly and Carmen Medina — successful and occasionally wildly unsuccessful rebels themselves, Lois at marketing agencies, Carmen at the CIA — reveal ways to navigate corporate politics, frame and communicate ideas, deal with controversy, avoid common mistakes, and manage yourself so you know when and how to keep pushing and when to quit.


Lois Kelly, Carmen Medina, Debra Cameron

Published In:

5 November 2014


Think Faster, Learn Quicker, Get Smarter | Book Series


Discover simple techniques to think faster, learn quicker, and make better decisions

Despite today’s technology obsessed world, you most likely feel more stressed, less focused, and way more forgetful.

Your productivity is shot, and you find it hard to think quickly and retain information.

You struggle to make up by using MORE technology… more apps… more devices in a desperate attempt to gain more control of your life.

But it’s NOT working.

Not only are we more stressed, we find it harder and harder to focus, think quickly, and retain information.

And it’s taking a toll on us.

The good news is that the solution is much less complicated than you think.

How much easier would your life be if you could think quicker and learn faster? How much faster could you achieve your goals if you could easily retain the information that you read? How much more productive would you be if you could harness your mind to process ideas more quickly and make better decisions.

In this concise, practical guide, I show you exactly how you can with 15 simple exercises that take no more than 15 minutes per day to complete.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover in this book:

  • A simple technique to think faster and learn quicker — today
  • Why you should be making MORE mistakes (yes, more)
  • The hidden connection between empathy and learning from OTHER’s mistakes
  • How the ancient the ancient practice of controlled breathing makes you think faster
  • Why lifting weights and sprinting sharpen your brain
  • How to use visualization to make better decisions
  • The little-known skill to quick thinking that nearly all top salesmen have
  • The secret computer programmers use to think so fast
  • How to activate more parts of your brain
  • The secret Einstein and Salvadore Dali knew about naps (need I say more?)
  • Why being overstuffed makes you stupid
  • The importance of talking to yourself
  • Taking aggressive, persistent action (it’s the only thing that matters)


Raza Imam

Published In:

July 11, 2018